Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Some days I feel like such a complete failure! Why is that? Deep down I know that there is a God who loves me deeply and even gave up His son's life for me. But, most days I feel so undeserving.

God, please help me realize that you make everything glorious, even me!!!

1 comment:

Shawn and Revita said...

You are NOT a failure. God has made you beautifully in His image. We have started a devotional called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. It is amazing because it is like Jesus is talking to us and it seems like He is telling us exactly what we need to hear when we are struggling. I was talking to Ed the other day and it is the devotional Fran is also using. It is amazing because He (Jesus) loves us so much and He wants us to remember that every minute. I love you!!