It has been almost 3 years since I started this blog. It was never meant to be a blog for me to write anything on, just so that I could spy :-) on my nieces. Well, I just might try to do some more writing on here, mainly to journal about the journey that I have been on for the past year.
Let's start with April 9, 2010. I went on my first ever ladies retreat from church. I was quite nervous about going (I am not the sharing, crying, let our your emotions, ask for help and prayer kind of woman - never have been), but with the encouragement of a friend of mine, I went. Well, it really was life changing, yes I shared, yes I cried (a lot, actually it was probably more like sobbing), I let my emotions out, and it felt good. I don't know if I would have been able to do that if there would have been people there that know me really well. I have a hard time with people I know thinking that I am weak if I let my emotions show. I have always been strong, I am 45 and should know who I am, my role in life, my goals, be secure in my spiritual life. I am not that secure in any of those other than I really am 45, know it and feel it, and I am weak in a lot of ways.
Anyway, that weekend I was able to let go of a lot of shame, pain, jealousy and stuff. Thank you to the amazing ladies of NLCC that pray for me and I don't even know it!
That April weekend spurred a big change in mine and my husband's life physically. We both needed to lose weight and were just stuck and not motivated to and did not know how to. Well over the last 9 months we have lost a lot of weight. I have lost 90 pounds, gained back 10 and am probably at my mien weight.
I feel a whole lot better, my knee is sooooo much better, I have no more plantar fascitus (sp?), more energy and a brand new wardrobe :-)
That's all for now. If there is anyone out there that would like me to write more about my journey, please comment.